January 27, 2017
Are you or your loved one anticipating a move to senior living in the near future? Just like all major life changes, with some intentional planning, the transition to senior living can be a great experience. But for some, it can feel like a transition they are not ready for, rather than a positive choice they are making for their future. As you’d expect, it makes the transition that much harder.
Major moves present challenges; know that the first few months will be the hardest but you can expect the initial discomfort to be temporary. There will come a day when the new senior living community will become home. At Weatherly Inn, that is our goal: to become a home and be like family.
In the meantime, here are some tips for a happy transition to senior living to help with the initial process of adjusting to assisted living.
1. Make sure you pick the community that is the best fit.
Your first job is to do the work of finding the solution that fits right. Do your research. Look for amenities that are important to you and your loved one. Read reviews to find out what other residents think of their home. Go together to visit communities that seem best so you can get a feel for the place and all weigh before a final decision is made.You should be able to find one that provides the basic features you or your loved one needs to be happy.
2. Help them make their new living space their “own.”
Make sure to add photos of loved ones, special decorations, and sheets and towels in favorite colors. Filling the unfamiliar with meaningful items will quickly transform the space into something familiar and comfortable. The more little touches you can add to make the room feel like home, the easier it will be to start seeing it as home.
3. Visit often.
Make sure to be around so your loved one has the most important element of home nearby: the people they love. Check in with the activities staff and find fun and meaningful activities that you and other family members can join. If they understand the move as a necessary decision for their health that in no way decreases how often they see family and friends, then they’ll be able to see that the structure where they live matters less than who they still have around.
4. Make sure they have access to the activities they loved.
Social life and hobbies need not stop because of the move. Make sure they have access to the transportation they need to make it to bridge club, church, the local park—whatever it is that they love to do.
In fact, if they didn’t already actively participate in anything, try to help them find something after the move. Include the staff in finding a solution for consistent activities. Keeping a social circle will be good for them.
5. Help them maintain a sense of independence.
Social life and hobbies need not stop because of the move. Make sure they have access to the transportation they need to make it to bridge club, church, the local park—whatever it is that they love to do.
In fact, if they didn’t already actively participate in anything, try to help them find something after the move. Include the staff in finding a solution for consistent activities. Keeping a social circle will be good for them.
6. Help them maintain relationships and connections.

7. Help to make their new community a home and family environment.
There are people in their new community who can become great friends. Weatherly Inn regularly hosts activities — crafts, movies, classes, trips, and music — that inspire camaraderie among residents. Encourage your loved one to get involved and meet their new neighbors. Some of the greatest friendships of their life could be waiting for them at their new home.
It will take time. Don’t be surprised if the first days are rough; your loved one will soon grow to see their new surrounding as home, especially if you assist in the effort. As soon as your loved one realizes that they can keep living their life as usual in the new place, but now with extra care, amenities, and activities at their disposal, they’ll be glad they made the change. Weatherly Inn will become home and the new faces will become family.
adapted from www.senioradvisor.com